IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids
17–20 September 2024 // Oslo, Norway

Student Travel Grants

IEEE ComSoc offers Student Grants (SGs) on a competitive basis to students who co-authored an accepted paper in the conference and are student members of the IEEE.

On a competitive basis, IEEE SmartGridComm 2024 a number of ComSoc grants to students who have co-authored an accepted peer-reviewed paper for the conference. 

Each IEEE sponsored grant is up to $500 but no more than the actual travel expenses. Conditions for obtaining the grant:

  1. Each applicant must be a Student Member or Graduate Student Member of the IEEE Communications Society at the time he/she applies for the grant;
  2. Each applicant must be a co-author of an accepted paper in SmartGridComm 2024 and present it at the conference;
  3. Each applicant must be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelor, Masters, or PhD degree in computer science, engineering or related field in a college or university when submitting the application;
  4. During the expense reimbursement stage, the student applicant must show the proof of having registered to attend SmartGridComm 2024

A student who is awarded a student grant must register, attend and present the paper at the conference. Payment will only be made to grant recipients who submit the expense report (with receipts for expenses over $25) within 45 days after the conference. More details will be provided to the students who are selected to receive a ComSoc Student Grant.

Note the deadline for applying for the student grant is August 25, 2024.


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