IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids
17–20 September 2024 // Oslo, Norway

Call for Papers

Call for Papers SmartGridComm 2024

Submit Your Paper Now

The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite your participation in the 15th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, Control and Computing Technologies (SmartGridComm 2024).

This conference aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, government institutions, and regulators with background in communications, energy, control, signal processing, analytics and information systems to exchange ideas, explore enabling technologies and share experiences related to smart grids. More information about both conferences can be found on the website:



Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers using EDAS ( under the track “SmartGridComm 2024”) on all aspects of communications, control and computing technologies for smart grids covered by the five technical symposia:

1. Data Analytics and Computation
2. Privacy and Security
3. Control and Operations
4. Communications and Networking
5. Power Line Communications and its Applications

Papers should follow the standard two-column IEEE format. The page limit is 6; authors can choose to include a 7th page in their initial submission, doing so will involve a $100 fee if the paper is accepted for publication. Both the page limits include the references.


Additionally, workshops and Tutorials on relevant topics will be held.

Link to the Call for Workshop papers here.
Link to the Call for Workshop Proposals here.
Link to the Call for Tutorial Proposals here.


Full Paper Submission Deadline:  May 8, 2024

Invited Paper Submission Deadline:  May 15, 2024

Dissemination Paper Submission Deadline:  May 15, 2024

Notification of Paper Acceptance:  July 5, 2024

Final Paper Submission Date:  August 9, 2024

Workshop Paper Submission Deadline:  July 12, 2024

Notification of Workshop Paper Acceptance:  August 2, 2024

Final Workshop Paper Submission Date:  August 9, 2024

Workshop Proposal Deadline:  March 25, 2024

Tutorial Proposal Deadline:  March 25, 2024



Hosting University